

It is highly recommended to test the whole configuration part including running over a period of time on a development/test server before implementing it in production.

Use pipenv (the recommended wrapper for virtualenvs and pip) to install this package. It depends on Python 3.5+ and various packages as described in Pipfile and DHIS2 2.28 as for now.

Libraries included:

  • Briefcase version: 1.10.1 Production (see ODK Github)
  • smartva: SmartVA-Analyze, version 2.0.0-a8

System requirements:

  • Min. 2GB RAM
  • Min. 2 CPUs

Ubuntu installation (tested with 16.04 LTS)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install python3-venv python3-pip

(As a non-root user)
pip3 install pipenv --user
git clone --depth=1
cd smartva-dhis2
pipenv install --ignore-pipfile --deploy


Refer to the configuration pages first before running it:

  1. DHIS2 configuration
  2. App configuration
cd ~/smartva-dhis2   (adjust to path where you cloned the repository)
pipenv run smartva-dhis2 [--options]

Options are:

--manual              Skip download of ODK aggregate file, provide local file path instead
--all                 Pull ALL briefcases instead of relative time window

If you do not provide any argument, it will attempt to import ODK Aggregate records from last week (today minus 7 days). e.g. if today is 2018-04-08 it attempts to download records for 2018-04-01:00:00:00 to 2018-04-01:23:59:59.

This is scheduled to run every three hours (leading to messages that the record is already in DHIS2) but then it’s expected.


This application builds on the fact that Study ID numbers (SID) are always unique and not modified in DHIS2 after the import.


To run tests:

pipenv install --dev
pipenv run python test


Make sure the script is running even after server reboots - how this is achieved depends on the Operating System. For systemd-based Operating Systems, you can install the following service.


ExecStart=~/.local/bin/pipenv run smartva-dhis2

  • Adjust ~/smartva-dhis2 to where you’ve installed the repository
  • Adjust the path to pipenv - you can find out the path by calling which pipenv.
  • Adjust the ubuntu user to the user that runs the script
  • ~ means expanding to the home folder of the user as specified in User=.

Systemd service installation on Ubuntu:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/smartva-dhis2.service
(adjust and paste above config)
sudo systemctl enable smartva-dhis2.service
sudo systemctl start smartva-dhis2.service

(to see the status of the service:)
sudo systemctl start smartva-dhis2.service

(check log files:)
tail -f smartva_dhis2.log